Behavior Therapy

What is Behavior Therapy?

Behavioral Therapy, also knowns as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach used to improve socially significant behaviors and build personal, academic, and vocational skills. Behavior therapy (ABA) focuses on what the individual should be doing, instead of what they should not be doing. ABA begins with an analysis of why the behavior occurs, what maintains it, and what replacement behaviors and environmental changes can be used to eliminate the behavior. Data is tracked throughout the process to monitor and appropriately modify interventions.

Behavior sessions begin with you and will also involve the child. These factors are dependent upon the goals, motivation, and availability for sessions. Are you ready to decrease meltdowns and increase independence? Schedule a free phone consultation by clicking here.

What is a socially significant behavior?

A behavior that has immediate and long-term consequences for the individual engaging in the behavior. These include but are not limited to:

  • Visual/perceptual skills (e.g., puzzles, matching, sorting)

  • Language (e.g., requesting, naming objects, following directions)

  • Activities of daily living (e.g., toileting, dressing, grooming, and brushing teeth)

  • Aggression towards self and others (e.g., hitting, biting, kicking, hair pulling, and head banging)

  • Social and independent play skills